Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Dust off the old stuff

When you have nothing new to show, you bring up the old stuff. While you are watching and examine them, you can feel forgotten feelings again and bring back some memories. Also, you can see where you were back then, and where you are now. If the old stuff look very proficient and great to you, there is a big chance you don't have much of a progress in what you are doing. You can even notice a regress. Anyway, the important thing is to set your clock straight and not loosing ground beneath your feet.

Friday, July 11, 2014

Timing Advance Processor with a PIC

Timing advance processors are electronic control units that change the original spark advance of the engine when it runs on CNG or LPG, thus optimising the engine’s operation with these fuels.

Because LPG is a higher octane fuel than petrol the combustion time is longer. It is possible to change the ignition timing mechanically or electronically. This makes the difference between driving on LPG or petrol less. The fuel consumption and the engine power at low speed could be the same or even better than on petrol. Also the engine will run more smoothly and the exhaust emission values will be better.

;Svetlin Spasov
;Basic Timing Advance Processor for LPG and CNG powered vehicles

        LIST P=16F877, R=DEC
#include          ; processor specific variable definitions
      __config _HS_OSC & _WDT_ON & _LVP_OFF  

; Variables

;angle           res     1  
;v_work          res     1
;back            res     1
;up              res     1

ScratchPadRam   EQU     0x20

; Variables

angle    EQU     ScratchPadRam+0
v_work   EQU     ScratchPadRam+1
back     EQU     ScratchPadRam+2
back1    EQU     ScratchPadRam+3
up       EQU     ScratchPadRam+4
up1      EQU     ScratchPadRam+5
store    EQU     ScratchPadRam+6

; Program Code
;   Set the reset vector here.  If you are using a PIC16C5X device, use:
;               ORG     
;   Otherwise, use:
;               ORG     0

                ORG     0       
                GOTO    Start
                ;comp = 3
MORE_THAN macro comp ,var0 , jump
    MOVLW comp ; slagame comp v accumulatora
 SUBWF var0, 0      ; ako v starshia registyr ima po-malko ot comp, obshtoto 4islo ne moje da e po-goliamo ot 1000
    GOTO jump;
                ;comp = 3
LESS_THAN macro comp ,var0 , jump
    MOVLW comp ; slagame comp v accumulatora
 SUBWF var0, 0      ; ako v starshia registyr ima po-malko ot comp, obshtoto 4islo ne moje da e po-goliamo ot 1000
    GOTO jump;

EQ_JP_EQUAL macro comp, var0, jump
MOVF comp;
XORWF var0,0;
GOTO jump;

EQ_JP_NEQUAL macro comp, var0, jump
MOVF comp;
XORWF var0,0;
GOTO jump;

MORE_THAN_16BIT macro compH, compL,varH,varL,jump ; jump to address if more than

      MOVLW varH ; sloj starshia reg v akumulatora
   BCF STATUS, RP1 ; izberi banka
   BCF STATUS, RP0 ; banka
   SUBWF compH, 0 ; izvadi tova i stoinostta v akumulatora
   BTFSS STATUS, Z ; proveri statusa za 0 bit
   GOTO L_setAngle_25 ; jump kym izhoda
   MOVLW varL          ; slovi mladshia v akumulatora
   SUBWF compL, 0     ; izvadi gi sus sravniavanoto 4islo
      BTFSC STATUS, C   ; proveri status za polojitelen ili otricatelen rezultat ot operaciata
   GOTO jump        ; sko4i, ako resultata e polojitelen

; Main Program

                ORG     ScratchPadRam+7

CLRWDT ; ku4eto v kusheto
CLRW ; accumulatora v kire4a
MOVLW b'11111111' ; portb initializaciq
               ; bankata e 0

MOVLW b'00000000' ; kak pishem tuka kato e vhod...


   CLRF TRISC ; izhoda 0
   CLRF PORTC    ; nulirame izhoda
BANKSEL angle 
    CLRF v_work ; same bank as angle, virtualen raboten resistyr
    CLRF angle
    CLRF back ;
    CLRF back1 ;
    CLRF up ;
    CLRF up1 ;

    BANKSEL angle;
    MOVLW b'00000011' ; malko ugal za test
    MOVWF angle ;
    MOVF angle,0;
    MOVWF store ; store angle



    MOVLW b'00000011' ; malko ugal za test
    MOVWF angle ;

     BTFSC PORTB , 1 
     RLF angle, 1 ;   //umnojavame X 2 
     BTFSC PORTB , 2 
     RLF angle, 1 ;   //umnojavame X 2 
     BTFSC PORTB , 3 
     RLF angle, 1 ;   //umnojavame X 2 
     BTFSC PORTB , 4 
     RLF angle, 1 ;   //umnojavame X 2 

    BTFSS PORTB , 0 ; // (if portb.f0 == 0 && v_work.f0 == 1)
    BTFSS v_work , 0 ;
    GOTO chek1 ;
    BCF v_work, 0 ;
    CLRF back
    CLRF back1
    MOVF up, 0     ;zapazvame broaia4a v back
    MOVWF back
    MOVF up1,0;
    MOVWF back1; 
    GOTO setAngle;

    CLRF up ;
    CLRF up1;
    BTFSC PORTB,0; // if portb.f0 == 1 && v_work.f0 == 0
    BTFSC v_work,0;
    GOTO cont;
    BSF v_work,0;
    MOVF PORTB , 0
    GOTO loop; 
   BTFSC PORTB,0; // ako nivoto e visoko, uveli4i broaia4a na visoko nivo
   GOTO proc;

   GOTO loop
   GOTO incUp;  // uveli4i broia4a

  ;DECFSZ back,1;
   CALL decBack;  // namali back broia4a
   ;DECFSZ back,1;
   MOVLW 0 
   XORWF back,0; ako "back" broaia4a stane 0
   GOTO loop;   // mladshia ne e 0 produlji
   MOVLW 0   
   XORWF back1,0
   GOTO loop;  //starshia ne 0, produlji

   BCF PORTC,0; // ako back stane 0 nivoto dolu

GOTO loop;


MORE_THAN_16BIT up1,up, 3 , 200 , L_setAngle_0 ; proverka na oborotite

  BANKSEL angle;
     MOVF up, 0     ;zapazvame broaia4a v "back"
     MOVWF back
     MOVF up1,0;
     MOVWF back1; 

     MOVF up1,0;     // sloji starshia registyr v store
     MOVWF store;    // poneje, veroiatno starshia registyr ne e uspial da se uveli4i dostatu4no pri visoki oboroti
     ;RLF store, 1 ;   //umnojavame X 2 
     ;RLF store, 1 ;   //umnojavame oshte X 2 

     CALL decBack; 
     DECFSZ store,1;  
     GOTO dec11;       // loop


 GOTO retsetAng; / iz4ee !

L_setAngle_0: ; dec back counter

     MOVF angle,0;
     MOVWF store; //store ang > "store"
     ; DECF back,1;
     CALL decBack; 
     DECFSZ store,1;  
     GOTO dec;       // loop
GOTO retsetAng; // iz4ee!

   INCF up, 1
   INCF up1, 1

GOTO retUp;

   INCF back, 1
   INCF back1, 1


decBack: ;it's a func cos it's called more than 1 times, maybe it should be inlined for best speed instead of code size
            MOVLW 1
   SUBWF back, 1
   DECF back1, 1


Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Z-brush staggering

A few years ago, the revolution in the form of Z-Brush-like programs was just gaining momentum. My first contact with a similar approach to 3D modeling was naturally with Z-Brush itself. Pixologic were the big boys in the field back then.
I liked the idea, the workflow felt much more natural and intuitive than the classical method of moving vertices and splitting edges.

This is one of my first attempts to do something useful with it. Unfortunately by the time I had a very slow computer, so it looks a bit like stop motion animation with a clay figure.

Then I made a very simple program that tried to mimic some of the basic Z-brush functionality. It was written in Borland C++ Builder 6.0 and uses DirectX 9.0 for visualization. I still have it somewhere on my hard drive and most probably will post or link the code here if someone is interested.

Friday, June 20, 2014

A small collection of images from the past

I decided to make a post and collect some old videos and screenshots from the game I'm working on.

An attempt to port the engine to OpenGL


Monday, June 16, 2014

Let there be Light-shafts !

Light is all around us. Our brains are CPU's,  processing mostly light signals. Simulating some lighting effects in 3D applications is not a trivial task. Fortunately, some effects can be simulated dynamically with relatively small computing power with a pretty satisfactory result.
As I already have all the necessary ingredients as a side effect of possessing a deferred renderer, I tried to used them to make a simple light-shaft effect. This lighting effect appears when light travels trough a foggy, dusty, full of small particles medium like air, water or pure industrial smog. The shadow of objects blocking light become visible not only on shaded surfaces, but also on the medium. These are so called light-shafts, God Rays or whatever you like to call them.

Several approaches to achieve this effect exists in real-time applications and games. Some of them render bright parts of the scene into a small render target, then blur the resulting bright pixels towards the light 2D position and blend the result with the final frame buffer.
Having access to the scene depth buffer and light depth buffer, there is a simple technique that could be used to achieve similar results without presenting the limitations that the above technique suffers.

Trace a ray, starting from eye position in world space toward the scene for every pixel on the scene. This could be optimized greatly by downscaling, bluring and upscaling.
Advance the ray position by a small step and for every step, check to see if that world position can see the light. If it can see it, make it a bit brighter for every step, thus accumulating light and make it appear as small airborne particles reflect more and more light toward the observers eye. For the most part, there are 2 precision aspects you may be concerned. The one is the precision you sample the scene -i.e. do you need to sample the scene for every pixel or "sparse" it a bit, or even do it on a downscaled target. And the second one is how big are your steps toward the scene, and haw many samples you take per ray. In the example bellow I make 64 steps per ray.

Warning HLSL ahead, but the code is pretty simple and it doesn't use advance modern features, so it should be doable in every old version of most shading languages.
   float3 currentTestWorldPos = eyePos ; //start with eye's position
   float3 currentRayDir = normalize( - eyePos) * 2.0f ; //scale it a bit. This can step 2 units further //for every step, from eye position to current pixel position in world space.

  for(int i = 0 ; i < 64 ; i++ )
        currentTestWorldPos += currentRayDir ; //advance further

  float3 currentLightDirection = currentTestWorldPos -  ; // optain direction to light source for every //test position
  float currentDistance = length(; = / currentDistance; //normalize

   //sample depth from cubic shadow map                           
     float currentshadowMapDepth = texCUBE(cubeShadowMapSampler, float4((, 0.0f)).x;
  //depth comparison
  if(currentDistance  < (currentshadowMapDepth + 1 ))  
    color *= 1.07f; //make it a bit brighter
           //not really necessary, but could be useful in some situations to add contrast.
           else { color *= 0.98f; }//make it a bit darker

Here is how it looks statically and dynamically

Friday, February 28, 2014

The importance of global illumination

Every modern graphics engine needs a global illumination solution. Rage AFAIK uses some kind of path tracing + some static lighting baked into textures(kinda like the good old lightmapping) as they have "inlimited" amount of texture memory. Unreal and other big boys, as DICE use Enlighten, CryTek have their Light Propagation Volumes.
My solution isn't  that advanced, but can be tweaked to look OK. The main drawback of it is that the lighting is static.

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

3ds max - Office chair speed modeling.

I continue to play with 3ds max.
An attempt to model an office chair.

And here is the ingame test of the textured model.

Monday, February 24, 2014

Learning to crawl with 3ds max

For the needs of some of my hobby projects I often have a need for specific assets and level geometry.

Thursday, February 20, 2014

SSAO - Screen Space Ambient Occlusion

In computer graphics, ambient occlusion is used to represent how exposed each point in a scene is to ambient lighting. So the enclosed inside of a tube is typically more occluded (and hence darker) than the exposed outer surfaces; and deeper inside the tube, the more occluded (and darker) it becomes. The result is diffuse, non-directional lighting throughout the scene, casting no clear shadows, but with enclosed and sheltered areas darkened. In this way, it attempts to approximate the way light radiates in real life, especially off what are normally considered non-reflective surfaces.
Unlike local methods like Phong shading, ambient occlusion is a global method, meaning the illumination at each point is a function of other geometry in the scene. However, it is a very crude approximation to full global illumination. The soft appearance achieved by ambient occlusion alone is similar to the way an object appears on an overcast day.

I'm toying with the screen-space approximation of this technique in my Isle of marooned project.
It suffers some limitations and artifacts, that I will discuss and provide more info about in further posts.

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Global Illumination - lifting the curtain

As promised, I will elaborate on the topic of global illumination and provide a bit of source code to illustrate the method, mentioned in a previous post.
Light probes are spread across critical areas, manually or automatically. Incoming lighting at these points in space is captured in cube maps which are then converted to spherical harmonics.
A short video shows these probes in action

The HLSL code for sampling the spherical harmonics coefficients looks like this :

You provide a normal direction and the function returns the illumination coming from that direction.
// 'lightingSH' is the lighting environment projected onto SH (3rd order in this case),

// and 'n' is the surface normal

float3 ProjectOntoSH9(in float3 lightingSH[9], in float3 n)


    float3 result = 0.0f;


    // Cosine kernel

    const float A0 = 1.0f;

    const float A1 = 2.0f / 3.0f;

    const float A2 = 0.25f;

    // Band 0

    result += lightingSH[0] * 0.282095f * A0;

    // Band 1

    result += lightingSH[1] * 0.488603f * n.y * A1;

    result += lightingSH[2] * 0.488603f * n.z * A1;

    result += lightingSH[3] * 0.488603f * n.x * A1;

    // Band 2

    result += lightingSH[4] * 1.092548f * n.x * n.y * A2;

    result += lightingSH[5] * 1.092548f * n.y * n.z * A2;

    result += lightingSH[6] * 0.315392f * (3.0f * n.z * n.z - 1.0f) * A2;

    result += lightingSH[7] * 1.092548f * n.x * n.z * A2;

    result += lightingSH[8] * 0.546274f * (n.x * n.x - n.y * n.y) * A2;

    return result;


Here is the code for rendering the light probes (for debug purpose)
technique RenderSH
    pass p0
  VertexShader = compile vs_3_0 SimpleVSTransformed();
  PixelShader = compile ps_3_0 psLightingRenderSH();
        CullMode = CCW;
  FillMode = solid;
  Zenable = true;
  StencilEnable = true;  
  AlphaBlendEnable = false;
  AlphaTestEnable = false; 
  ZWriteEnable = true; 
void SimpleVSTransformed(in float4 inPos: POSITION, in float2 inTex: TEXCOORD0, 
out float4 outPos: POSITION, out float2 outTex: TEXCOORD0, out float4 wPos : TEXCOORD1)
outPos = inPos;
outTex = inTex;

outPos = mul(float4(, 1), c_mViewProjection);
wPos = mul(float4(, 1), c_mWorld); ; 

float4 psLightingRenderSH(PS_INPUT_LIGHT i, in float4 wPos : TEXCOORD1 ) : COLOR0

float4 color = 1.0 ;

 float3 vLightDir = normalize( - lightProbePos ) ;

   float4 probeCol = float4(ProjectOntoSH9(SHarmonicsCoefficients,-vLightDir) , 1.0) ; 
            return float4(  , 1.0);

As you can see, a sphere mesh is rendered and this is what is happening, briefly :
 Running through the vertex shader, world space vertex positions (yep, a sphere mesh has vertices spread around the center) are send to the pixel shader via TEXCOORD1 slot. Pixel shader then runs through every pixel, gets the light probe position we are currently rendering, gets the pixel position in world space, subtracts those to form direction and samples the spherical harmonics coefficients to obtain the pixel color.

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Epic battery eater!

Android is designed (among other things) as a platform for gaming too, although probably not the ideal one.
Still development environments and especially emulators are not at a level sufficient to develop performance critical applications such as games. One way or another, you are forced to go through the slow and tedious process of building the application and uploading it to a a real device if you want to see it in action with more that 5 FPS.
In this regard libraries as libGDX are excellent tools to quickly prototype small games and multimedia applications, and why not a regular mobile application, rich of heavy GUI and graphics.
The framework provides an environment for rapid prototyping and fast iterations. Instead of deploying to Android/iOS/Javascript after each code change, you can run and debug your game on the desktop, natively. Desktop JVM features like code hotswapping reduce your iteration times considerably.
Yeah, for speeding things up, iterations need to be reduced and optimized for speed at code level, and at development cycle level as well. This does not mean that the iterations are the root of all evil.
Here's a quick peek of a small hill-climb racing game. It's meant to run on 

  • Windows
  • Linux
  • Max OS X
  • Android (+2.2)
  • BlackBerry
  • iOS
  • Java Applet (requires JVM to be installed)
  • Javascript/WebGL

Time to show some source code for people who would have been interested to see how the track is generated. It's not pretentious in any way - it's a quick and dirty solution. I actually switched to more natural, hand made "terrains" that are loaded from file and authored in a level editor-like application, where you can define points manually for better control.

    vertexCount = 500 ; 
    float fRoughness = 0.5f;
    float vert[] = new float [vertexCount] ; 
    for(int i = 0 ; i < vertexCount ; i++ )
     vert[i] = i ;
     //if(i % 2 == 0) vert[i] *= scaleX ;
     if( i %  2 != 0) vert[i] =  (float) (Math.sin( Math.random()) * 0.9f) * fRoughness ;    
Now, for every vertex, texture coordinates are assigned, and every second vertex is send to the bottom of the screen to form the track base.
Vector2 v2 [] = new Vector2[4] ;
  v2[0] = new Vector2(0.0f,0.0f) ; 
  v2[1] = new Vector2(0.5f,1.0f) ;
  v2[2] = new Vector2(1.0f,0.0f) ;
  v2[3] = new Vector2(1.0f,1.0f) ;
     float meshVertices [] =  new float [vertexCount  * 6 ] ;
     for(int  i = 0 ; i < vertexCount ; i++ )

      meshVertices [ (i*6) + 0 ] = i * scaleX - scaleX  ; 
       meshVertices [ (i*6) + 1 ] = -1.0f ;
       meshVertices [ (i*6) + 1 ] = vert[i] ;
      meshVertices [ (i*6) + 2 ] = 0.0f  ;
      meshVertices [ (i*6) + 3 ] = Color.toFloatBits(255, 255, 128, 255) ;
      int k = i % 4 ; 
      meshVertices [ (i*6) + 4 ] = v2[k].x ;
      meshVertices [ (i*6) + 5 ] = v2[k].y ;
If you are interested to see how the ground track texture looks like, here it is. Use it on your own disk(risk?)

More macro Phun

Many believe syntax of C + + is weird, a bit unintuitive, ugly, cryptic and obfuscated. Some are pointing out the Pascal syntax as an opposite parallel.
Let’s note that the Pascal language was initially developed by N. Wirth as an educational language. This language demonstrates such conceptual peculiarities, like strict typing and availability of means of structured (procedural) programming. And, by N. Wirth, this language should facilitate forming of a good style of algorithmic thinking, and, thus, programming. In particular, the author tried to make its syntax intuitively clear even at the first acquaintance with the discipline “Programming”.
During long time Pascal was fairly considered one of the best programming languages for education purposes. Unfortunately, the versions of programming environments, which were used to teach the language (Turbo Pascal, Borland Pascal), have become outdated.
New programming systems, which are based on Pascal, for example, Delphi, are too expensive and industrially, not educationally, oriented. Particularly, the programming environment is poorly suitable to teach basic programming and algorithmization due to its complexity. can use C++ to write in whatever language you like.Well not exactly, but pretty much. Here's an example of a fun proggie I wrote.
It demonstrates nested procedures, which aren't present in the actual Pascal.

#include "Pascal.h"

Program Project1

Integer(U) = 7;
Single(x) = Single(U / 1.51);
String(str) = "cool";
WriteLn("Input a symbol : ");

if U > 5 then 
 WriteLn("Pascal rulez !!");
   WriteLn("C rockz!");
 for U = 0 to U < 10 do  
    WriteLn("C++ powns all ");
 procedure NestedProc 
   String(s); //4astna  promenliva
        s = "Hello from a nested proc ";

  end NestedProc; 


Here's how the header Pascal.h looks like.
using namespace std;
#define Integer int
#define Single float
#define Pointer void*
#define begin {
#define end }
#define end; }
#define WriteLn(str) printf(str)
#define Program int main(int argc, char *argv[])
#define Project1 
#define if if(
#define then )
#define Exit return
#define Result(x) return x
#define Integer(x) int x
#define do ;)
#define for for(
#define Inc(x,y) x += y
#define to ;
#define Read(x) scanf("%u",&x)
#define String(name) char* name
#define Pointer(p) void* p
#define procedure struct
#define Begin void exec(){
#define End };                                   
#define var   
#define Addr(x) &x
#define deAddr(x) *x

Deferred irradiance light probes

For a real-time graphics simulation, global illumination has always been a very difficult problem to solve. Interaction of the surfaces in a scene based on the light sources, diffuse reflections of the surfaces and light energy bouncing off geometry according it's material properties is usually not a trivial task to solve in real time. Several approximation solution exists, but only a small handful of them are practically applicable for performance-critical applications, such as 3D games and simulations.
I always feel nostalgic for the beautiful views of the old indoor games, lit with performant and convincing technique called "light mapping". There are several issues and limitations with it as well, but at least it was fast, and looked great for static environments. Static regarding light properties (color, range, movement and light animation of any kind.) and the scene geometry.
They eat up a lot of texture memory as well, and do not combine well with normal mapping and other per-pixel effects. Lighting is also not per-pixel perfect, but rather per-texel. Anyways, I really needed a real-time solution for my game, so I decided to experiment with light probes, rendered as deferred lights, spread across critical areas. Those probes are generated using cubemaps, rendered at probe's positions that are further converted and stored as spherical harmonics coefficients. I basically spread light probes automatically across an area (or only on key areas) calculate the incoming light at those points, send this data and shade affected pixels
This is only one bounce of indirect light. It could be extended to several bounces, which would look much better on complex scenes, and the real-time cost (performance) should be the same.
The following screen shots show the famous Sponza model, lit with that technique with GI turned on and off for comparison.

I will describe the technique in more details and provide source snippets in further posts.

Monday, February 17, 2014

Back to the pre-wheel epoch

Ever thought why so many people adore C++, and so many execrate it at the same time ? Well, actually I don't know, but I guess it has something to do with it's elemental power, wild beasty nature and unpredictable manner.And no, I'm not going into that weird 'pro-grammers' humor like for example -
"In C++ it's harder to shoot yourself in the foot, but when you do, you blow off your whole leg." by the god-father Bjarne Stroustrup, or
"Writing in C or C++ is like running a chain saw with all the safety guards removed," , or
"C(++) is a write-only, high-level assembler language." or even this :
"C++ : Hard to learn and built to stay that way !!" , and this :
"How C++ is like teenage sex:

  • It is on everyone's mind all the time. 
  • Everyone talks about it all the time. 
  • Everyone thinks everyone else is doing it. 
  • Almost no one is really doing it. 
  • The few who are doing it are: A. Doing it poorly. B. Sure it will be better next time. C. Not practicing it safely."

Most people think that some of the coolest feature of C++ is it's templates.They are increasingly found to be powerful instruments for the development of cleaner, faster and smarter software. Indeed, templates have become the corner stone of several new C++ programming paradigms.Templates are very useful when implementing generic constructs like vectors, stacks, lists, queues which can be used with any arbitrary type. C++ templates provide a way to re-use source code as opposed to inheritance and composition which provide a way to re-use object code.
Ok , that's great, but i would say that actually the good'old C macros are just as cool as C++ templates. Generic programming and templates in C ? Yes it's pretty much possible, with a bit of macros involved :) Here's an example i wrote to test my wheel reinvention deduction.It's a basic attempt to replace the C++ STL vector<> container.
Sorry about the code formatting.

#define VECTOR(type) struct type##_Vector \
{  public :  type *pArray;  int len;  type illegal; \
  type##_Vector() {   len = 0;   pArray = NULL; }; \ 
 void ClearAll()  {    memset(pArray, 0, sizeof(type) * len); \
   len = 0;  };    void Erase()  {    if(pArray != NULL) \
     free(pArray);    len = 0;    pArray = NULL;  }; \
  int push_back(type Data)  {  \
    type* pTmp = (type*)malloc(sizeof(type) * len + sizeof(type) ); \
      if(pTmp == NULL)        return -1; \    
 memcpy(pTmp, pArray, sizeof(type) * len);      free(pArray); \
      pArray = pTmp;    pArray[len] = Data;    return len++;  }; \ 
   void SetItemAt(int pos, type data) \  
 {    if((pos > -1) && (pos <= len))  \
   {      pArray[pos] = data;    }  } \
   type GetItemAt(int pos)  {    if((pos > -1) && (pos <= len)) \
      return pArray[pos];    return illegal; \
 } \


int main(int argc, char* argv[])
VECTOR(int) v;

class test {
public :
char name[64];
test(){strcpy(name ,"wtf"); };
void setName(char* Name){strcpy(name,Name);};

VECTOR(test) vtest;

test t;
return 0;

Sunday, February 16, 2014

Photoshop mouse rampage.

Sometimes school is forcing you do things, that you would never approach otherwise. I'm not entirely convinced that painting is critical to a software developer, but either way the task was assigned
"Use your imagination and draw a fictional character by using Photoshop".
The goal was to make us learn about layers and get used to working with them. After 4 hours approximately, here is what I came up with ( unfinished )
I'm seriously thinking about buying a graphic tablet, so at least my contours aren't that randomly curved. The basic skeleton for this quick sketch was made on paper and scanned into Photoshop. 

Thursday, February 13, 2014


Hello and welcome to my new blog. Follow me here to discover what I'm up to.
Things that I will eventually focus on using this blog are as follows :
  • game development (probably primary)
  • game reviews, comments and rant.
  • graphics and art development in general.  
  • 3D modeling and 2D image manipulation.
  • programing in general.
  • programing API's, IDE's and tools eventually.
  • and the last, but not least - ranting about things :)